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tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Intro to Tizen Development

In a short video, you will see the basics of Tizen development and the different options available to start creating your own apps.

tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Introducción a Tizen

Esta publicación te dará la información básica para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Tizen.

tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Page Navigation with Tizen Advanced UI

Learn how to move through different pages in your Tizen web app.

tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Reviewing More UI Samples

This video will review the heart rate monitor and the Tizen Advanced UI samples.

tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Using JavaScript to Change your App’s Appearance

Learn how to modify the appearance of your Tizen web app using JavaScript.

tutorials Web, Galaxy Watch

Tizen Tidbits: Working with Sensors and the Heart Rate Monitor

This hands-on video will show you how to work with the wearable device sensors.

tutorials Galaxy Watch, Web

Tizen Tidbits: Your First Tizen Web Application

In the latest installment of the Tizen Tidbits series, we will be covering the code basics to create your first Tizen web application.

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Updating 16.0 Beta: More Secure, Better Tabs, URLs down under

Our newest update (16.0.2) brings some exciting new features.

announcement Web

Use new Augmented Reality features with just a few lines of code with WebXR and AFrame!

Use new Augmented Reality features with just a few lines of code with WebXR and AFrame!

tutorials Web

Using Node Modules in Deno

Using Node Modules in Deno

announcement Web

Virtual Reality, WebXR, and Samsung Internet

A major update for VR and the Web

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What’s Global Privacy Control?

The internet should be safe to use by default, this is something that I strongly believe, and a big part of ensuring the safety of internet users is trust. For someone like me, who works in tech, navigating cookie/privacy permission notices, rotating passwords and the general safety procedures that come with surfing the web is, at most, an annoyance. For those outside of tech, though, it’s unrealistic to expect them to stay on top of all these things and using the internet becomes increasingly unsafe for them because many services breach users trust by using users’ data without their consent. The internet should be safe for the most vulnerable internet users without them having to jump through so many hoops. There is a lot of work to be done to getting to an online utopia where all users are cared for, but we’re starting the work. Privacy and data protection is the big ticket item at the moment, a number of governments and ruling bodies have already put together groups of laws that protect user’s online data (GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, etc) and these rules have led to an uptick of privacy permission notices, some which use dark-patterns to trick users to give permission to have their data sold. For you and me, these notices are jarring, especially considering they’re on every site and require us to make sure the correct boxes are ticked. But, what if I told you there was another way?

Samsung Developers' alternate social channels.
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Where in the World is Samsung Developers?

A summary of our social media and other community resources.